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Hotels and Restaurants


Hotels and Restaurants

When it comes to a restaurant, Metrospec strives to maintain a safe & healthy environment by sanitizing & restoring spaces to keep your food services up to par.

Hotels routinely have visits coming from all over the world, so they expect a shiny floor surfaces, clean premises and an outstanding management that listen and are helpful when entering and exiting the Hotel.

Metrospec can provide such an environment and will maintain all tasks and objectives at an affordable cost and at an effective manner.

We Are Specialized In Cleaning Services For Wide Range Of Sectors

Quotation Request

To help with your inquiry, please provide as much of the following information as possible. The more information collected at this stage will allow for a more accurate quotation when the Metrospec representative consults with you to discuss your maintenance and cleaning options.

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Available Now

Metrospec would like to formally introduce you to the new addition to our fleet of machines….the Tennant M20

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